HEALTHCARE FIRST is a leading provider of integrated technology solutions to hospitals, nursing care facilities and senior living facilities. We can be a total solutions provider for your communications needs. We provide leading edge technology solutions in the areas of life safety, communications, security, operations and cost containment. From a patient care perspective, our technology solutions can ease communication and documentation, reduce paperwork and increase healthcare provider time with patients, a major determinant in patient satisfaction. FIRST's experience runs the gamut from an all inclusive technology system that captures every step of the care delivery continuom.
We develop state of the market nurse call area systems using wireless technology to totally integrate the patient care experience including patient education. In pediatrics we can use technology to authenticate mother and baby pairings and increase security and tracking tied to hospital security. Again, FIRST specializes in assessing customer challenges and developing the highest quality, reliable solutions.
FIRST Security Systems 1811 High Grove Suite #191 Naperville, Illinois 60540 Phone:630 961-5900 Fax:630 961-9540
Healthcare Facilities We Have Served Products